Each quarter, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® highlights the staff in one of the association’s departments.

Think of the 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 法律 Department, and you probably think of the 法律 Hotline.

Attorneys average 97 calls per weekday and answered more than 17,000 calls in 2019. 调用通常关注TREC规则, 伦理问题, 或澄清MLS政策, 员工律师特蕾西·杰克逊说, one of three attorneys who regularly answers calls. Surveyed members rank the hotline among the association’s most valuable services.

But the 法律 Department does so much more than that. The nine-member team is involved in nearly every aspect of the association’s work, including:

  • Drafting and reviewing 合同 and bylaws
  • Managing and updating the library of more than 130 forms exclusively for members
  • Monitoring relevant lawsuits and legislation
  • 创建模型策略手册
  • Providing leasing and property management guidance
  • Advising TREPAC on compliance with ethics rules
  • Serving as legal counsel to multi-board managed local associations
  • Working with FEMA and other partner agencies on educational 网络研讨会s
  • Supporting the 专业标准 process

Recently, the department drafted new COVID-19 related member forms and return-to-work policies. “We are problems solvers,” says Lori Levy, vice president of 法律 Affairs and general counsel. “When other departments have questions, we try to help and solve those problems.”

凯利弗拉纳根, deputy general counsel for advocacy and governance, says staff in the 法律 Department collaborates often—projects are reviewed by more than one attorney. They also work as a team when hiring new attorneys—the entire department interviews job applicants and will go around the room until there are no more questions.

Department members enjoy meeting on Zoom to discuss legal issues—especially those with no clear answer—and sometimes lighten their Zoom meetings by sharing movie and TV recommendations.

“We sharpen each other professionally,” says Flanagan. “The law isn’t always clear—we have in-depth collaborations that I really appreciate, where thoughts and questions are thrown around in a very open environment in order for us to reach the most appropriate legal conclusion or interpretation.”

“Everyone feels free and confident to share their legal opinion,” Levy says. “I am so proud of everyone individually. 和他们一起工作真是太愉快了.”

The 法律 Department is composed of Lori Levy, vice president of 法律 Affairs and general counsel; 凯利弗拉纳根, deputy general counsel for advocacy and governance; David Jones, senior associate counsel; Iman Ali, associate counsel; Robin Harris, associate counsel; Ryan Bauman, staff attorney; Traci Jackson, staff attorney; Laura Miller, staff attorney; and Chelsea Nobert, 法律行政助理.